Know Your Shopper: Understanding Key Grocery Ecommerce Consumer Trends

A woman inspects a food product in a grocery store, illustrating evolving shopper behavior in the grocery e-commerce sector.
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April 25, 2024

Grocery ecommerce has been a game-changer in the food and beverage (F&B) retail sector. Customers have been flocking to online grocery stores in growing numbers for four years running.

Every year, the landscape of grocery ecommerce shifts as new technology changes how business is done, and market forces shape customer behavior.

Monitoring grocery market trends for shopper behavior is thus invaluable for online stores and supermarkets that want to appeal to new customers and satisfy existing ones.

As a grocery business owner, learning how to use market trends to your advantage can help your store overtake the competition.

With this in mind, let's take a closer look at the factors influencing grocery shopping behavior and how they affect the supermarket industry.

The evolution of shopper behavior at a glance

Today, there are 138 million digital grocery shoppers in the US and the figure is still rising. There may soon come a time when online grocery sales will outperform sales from brick-and-mortar stores.

Still, this change didn’t happen overnight. The transition from offline to online grocery shopping unfolded over several years.

Reviewing traditional shopping habits

Before approaching the subject of grocery ecommerce, let’s revisit the traditional grocery model for comparison’s sake. Until the global pandemic forced most consumers to shop from home, grocery shopping involved an excursion to a store.

Since consumers had to physically travel to buy groceries, the store’s location played a major role in attracting and retaining customers.

Other positives of the offline grocery shopping experience include being able to inspect fruits, vegetables, and all sorts of produce in person as well as fostering a more trusting bond between the buyer and seller.

Some of the benefits of traditional grocery shopping become lost in grocery ecommerce, but we will show that the good outweighs the bad.

Emergence ofi digital influence

More people turned to online groceries in the wake of the global pandemic. Today, it is the second-most popular sales category in ecommerce. By 2026, online grocery will drive 19% of all sales in US ecommerce, overtaking clothing and accessories as the largest category.

Ecommerce has disrupted the traditional grocery shopping model. This is because more customers are finding it easier to complete purchases over the internet rather than in physical stores.

Key grocery trends shaping shopper behavior

As online groceries become more popular with consumers, business owners must understand the reasons behind the shift.

Keeping up with customer shopping behavior lets you tailor your store’s offerings and maximize sales in a dynamic market. Here are the top three trends influencing online grocery shopper behavior:

1. Convenience is king

Compared to traditional retail, buying groceries online is a breeze. The sheer convenience of grocery ecommerce has converted many customers.

A survey by delivery service DoorDash found that 74% of customers listed convenience as their top priority when shopping for consumables online.

Online grocery stores that prioritize customers’ convenience will see their user base grow.

Simple measures like offering multiple delivery options, seamless checkouts, and the ability to pick quality produce go a long way in creating a convenient customer experience (CX).

2. Preference for health and wellness

As more consumers began using online grocery stores during the global pandemic, many early adopters were concerned about the safety of the products they were buying.

That sentiment has evolved into a more generalized, health-conscious approach to buying groceries online.

A survey by McKinsey & Company found that 70% of consumers are interested in pursuing healthy lifestyles.

Catering to shoppers’ desires for healthier lifestyles will help sales and long-term business longevity. By maintaining inventories of health-conscious products, sustainable items, and a transparent supply chain, online groceries can capitalize on their market’s preference as they shop for their daily needs.

3. Personalization and customization

An online grocery store has enough customer data to create a personalized experience for every user.

From their purchase history to their product ratings and reviews, you can use data to predict which items they are more likely to buy.

This boosts sales while creating a more seamless CX as shoppers can discover relevant products more easily.

Studies have found that creating a personalized shopping experience can drive up revenue by as much as 40%!

Technology's role in shaping shopper behavior

As technology advances, so does ecommerce. Nowadays, smartphones are just as much a part of the ecommerce ecosystem as computers.

In addition, new technology has given rise to new customer behaviors.

1. Mobile shopping and app usage

Customers have become much more comfortable purchasing groceries over the phone. As a result, major players like Walmart and Target launched their own apps to sell online groceries.

Aside from these apps, other companies like InstaCart and UberEats offer an online marketplace for grocers who don’t have their own ecommerce stores.

Services like Wave Grocery have allowed less tech-savvy businesses to get in on the action without investing heavily in new software development.

Fortunately, shoppers have shown that they are equally comfortable using both types of services.

2. Artificial intelligence and machine learning

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in ecommerce is helping create hyper-personalized experiences for consumers.

AI-driven recommendations and predictive analytics grant companies the ability to deliver a continuous stream of relevant product recommendations to shoppers.

Additionally, generative AI means that chatbots and virtual assistants are now more capable than ever, enhancing CX for every visitor.

Adapting to changing shopper behaviors

Consumer habits are constantly shifting, and grocery ecommerce businesses need to be aware of how things are changing. In the current market, these best practices will help you remain updated and agile.

1. Importance of data analysis

If you want success, you have to look at the data. The first-party data shared by customers lets you discover valuable insights about shopper preferences. This lets you refine your marketing strategies and inventory management processes.

2. Omnichannel retailing

Since online shoppers prefer the most convenient solutions, online grocery owners must look into omnichannel shopping experiences. Omnichannel refers to offering integrated customer touchpoints that create a seamless user experience.

For example, a shopper could click on an ad on social media and be directed to your website before adding it to her cart. The same customer can then complete the checkout process on her smartphone.

As it turns out, more than 60% of customers participate in omnichannel shopping. So, find ways to integrate online and offline channels for a seamless retail experience. Ensure your messaging, pricing, and overall CX are consistent across all channels.


The modern consumer values convenience, timeliness, and security. Meeting those needs while adapting to changing preferences can help your online grocery store succeed.

With grocery ecommerce platforms like Wave Grocery, this task becomes easier. Feature-rich solutions can help you understand the complex data behind consumer behavior, allowing you to leverage it in your operations.

Take time to learn more about your customers and discover how to use technology to your advantage. These practices can give your online grocery business a valuable competitive edge.

April 25, 2024
Last updated
August 14, 2024
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